Entries by Cassandra Butler

Super-Blue-Blood-Lunar Eclipse!

A SUPER moon=a full moon at its closest orbit to earth which creates a pinkish BLOOD red coloring and receives the title’ BLUE moon for being the second full moon in one calendar month. WOW! Today’s celestial show at 8:27 am EST created quite the stir worldwide for its beauty and rarity. Beyond its’ astronomical […]

Welcome 2018! Uranus goes Direct !

Hello Future! Dateline: January 2, 2018! The energy of surprise, excitement and individuality moved direct today opening a path for us to go for it! Uranus is the wild card of the planets because it represents our inner genius and…our inner eccentricity. Electricity, energy, science and truth resonates with the planet of unpredictability. Planets are […]

TIME for a Change: Saturn in Capricorn

Buffalo NY, 12:00 am EST, 12/20/17: In this very moment….Saturn enters Capricorn & a new ERA is born! Welcome to your new life friends! For the next 2 ½ years Saturn –the planet which rules rules, and structure, and the powers `that be’ will be transiting its’ affiliated sign: Capricorn. It’s as though Saturn—the energy […]


2018 Lunar Phases — New York, N.Y.(EST) CASSANDRA JOAN BUTLER New Moon BEGIN AGAIN First Quarter CREATIVE WORK Full Moon FEEDBACK Third Quarter WORK & RELEASE Jan. 1, Mo 09:25 PM Jan. 8, Mo 05:26 PM Jan. 16, Tu 09:18 PM Jan. 24, We 05:20 PM Jan. 31, We 08:27 AM Feb. 7, We 10:55 AM Feb. 15, Th 04:06 PM Feb. […]