Astrology Timeline Therapy
Over the three decades of Cassandra’s astrological study and practice she has developed a tool for holistic healing which is powerfully therapeutic. Called `timeline therapy’ Cassandra culls the various astrology tools—solar returns, progressions, solar arcs and transit charts — to develop a `story of your life’. She also applies Jungian components in this work to help you identify your archetypal patterns which are interconnected with your astrological unfolding.
The work of master astrology– Dane Rudhyar — is the inspiration of this work. You meet with Cassandra a minimum of twice a month, virtually, or in person. `Homework’ consists of dream analysis, journaling and a conscious interaction with the cosmic energies.
The outcomes include:
- greater clarity
- a peaceful acceptance of `what is you and what is not you’
- a stronger alignment to the God of your understanding
- a deep understanding of your soul’s purpose and the tools and timetable to achieve results.
A commitment of one year is suggested for individuals considering this ongoing therapeutic process. It is suggested to contact Cassandra for more information.