Upcoming Special Events

An internationally regarded astrological counselor since 1987, Cassandra Joan Butler uses an integrative approach  blending mastery in astrology, body work and intuition. Annually presenting at Lilydale Assembly, Fellowships of the Spirit, Chautauqua Institution, SOTA Astrology Conference, and the 2017 Kepler Conference, she is a passionate communicator blending several national columns with regular television appearances and a weekly astrology radio show.  With degrees from Cornell , and Syracuse Universities, she is active with the ‘Cosmic Intelligence Agency‘, and ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) and will also be presenting at the 2018 UAC (United Astrology Conference) among the most notable astrologers in the world.

The following is list of the special events and venues Cassandra will be participating in over the next year. See you there!

July 22 2018 : Coming Home: The Eclipses of the Summer of 2018

Fellowship of the Spirit
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Click here to register

This workshop is open to all: no previous experience in astrology is necessary.

During these tumultuous times we all crave a little security, comfort and connection. The need for these qualities will be super charged during the next two years, starting the summer of 2018. The solar eclipse occurs in Cancer this summer launching a new cycle for the USA and for each of us.

During this workshop you will: 1) learn the significance of the Eclipse Shift for you; 2) learn what this shift may mean for the country; 3) explore the significance of your natal lunar nodes (placement of eclipses) for your life’s path plus past life issues. At the same time, Saturn the planet of structure is moving through it’s `home sign’ of Capricorn. This combination; eclipse shifts plus Saturn in Capricorn will likely stir up societal issues related to home, security, and belonging. Participants will also learn how to harness their own wisdom and strength, as illustrated by their astrology charts, to welcome and work with the incoming energies. Astrological wisdom can help us navigate a sense of `coming home’ to our true spiritual nature, which is the goal of this workshop! No background in astrology is necessary, as the mechanics of the eclipses will be taught clearly and simply. Please RSBVP with your birth data; birthdate, time and city of birth.

Cassandra Joan Butler, B.S.W., M.S. L.M.T., is an internationally regarded astrologer, Cassandra Joan Butler uses an integrative approach which blends mastery in astrology, body work and mediumship. An experienced workshop presenter and teacher Cassandra has taught at Fellowships of the Spirit, Lily Dale Assembly, Chautauqua Institution, SOTA, the Kepler Conference, UAC, as well as many WNY colleges. She is the founding pastor of the Divine Grace Fellowship and is a member of the Fellowships of the Spirit. A passionate communicator she is a frequent media guest across the country. Cassandra’s education includes degrees from Cornell, and Syracuse Universities, and the New York Institute of Massage Therapy. www.cassandrajoanbutler.com

‘Coming Home’: The Eclipse shift into Cancer in the Summer of 2018!

Cassandra Joan Butler, B.S.W., M.S., L.M.T.


July 18 2018: Lunar Light on the Pathway

Lilydale Assembly
7:00 pm -8:30 pm

Click here to register


Learn all about your moon; it’s meaning, how it functions, and it can trigger your emotional understanding. Once a year your moon is activated; learn when this happens and what it means. The moon is all about your unconscious, and your manifestation tools! Open to all levels of astrological understanding!

The Week of July 30th 2018
Meditation Made Easy

Chautauqua Institution, NY

What comes to mind when you hear the word meditation? You will learn the theory behind the major meditation practices and will be gently guided to practice them. Our approach will be upon the health benefits of the relaxation response, which is triggered by meditative practices. This survey/practice class will inspire you to relax, release and let go for greater health of mind, body and spirit.

Oct 18th – 21st, 2018
SOTA Conference (State of the Art Astrology Conference)

Cheektowaga, NY

We illustrate the state of the art/discipline of astrology by featuring popular speakers and hot topics that exemplify leading-edge thought and techniques.

Click here to registerJan 24th-Jan 27th 2019
The Kepler Conference

Florida’s Space Coast

Cassandra is honored to be presenting her research with some of the most amazing research astrologers on the planet!


May 24-29, 2018*
UAC 2018 (United Astrology Conference 2018)
Transpersonal Transits to the Moon: Crisis or Enlightenment

Chicago, IL

Celebrating Earth and Sky
The world’s largest gathering of astrologers!

*Cassandra Speaking May 25th
Transpersonal Transits to the Moon: Crisis or Enlightenment?

The transpersonal planets shift ever so slowly. If we are lucky enough (or not!) to experience a major transit of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto to our natal moon what can be expected? What are the distinguishing characteristics of such pivotal turning points? Research indicates these transits often `open an individual up’ to their spiritual, psychic gifts, and healing gifts. We will compare and contrast these significant transits, and offer supportive tools to navigate them.