Entries by Cassandra Butler

Free Speech? Virgo: Time for Discernment!

It’s Virgo time…time to discern, discuss and analyze the marketplace of ideas. Virgo is mercury ruled; the archetype of thinking, speaking and communication. Virgo is known for its ability to examine and explore the details of any philosophical debate. Gemini, the other mercury ruled energy gathers data; Virgo makes sense of it. In the world […]

Steely Motherly Love in the age of Covid

It’s Mother’s Day eve and I am watching an oldie but goodie, the 1989 film, `Steel Magnolias’. Anyone remember that sweet flick? It starred a bevy of talented actresses: Sally Fields, Julia Roberts, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley MacLaine, Darrel Hannah, and Dolly Parton. No worries if you have not seen, or, heard of it. After all, […]

The Saturn Ingress In Aquarius: 3/22/20

On March 22, 2020 at 1:28 am EDT, Saturn makes its grand entrance into the sign of Aquarius; the first time in 28.5 years. And so, we will be ushering in a `new cycle’ which will affect every aspect of our lives. Saturn is the energy of the task-master, the grumpy `old man’ representing authority, […]

The virus: The Invisible Enemy & Bravery Within

Life as we know it has changed, and it’s scary. The virus epidemic upgraded to a pandemic, on March 10th, under the Virgo full moon of 19 degrees, `a caravan of cars’ , suggesting the insidious contagion ravaging the planet. Astrologers know that the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12th 2020 is the originating impulse […]

Sex Death & Taxes Scorpio’s big `No’

Sex, death and taxes….beginners to astrology learn that these three disparate themes are grouped under the umbrella of Scorpio. Maybe because I’m working on taxes this weekend, maybe because we’re two days post Valentines Day and maybe because my best friend died two weeks ago that I am inspired to share. Or maybe my urge […]

2020: Year of Transformation

2020 is a year of transformation when outworn structures leave our lives to make way for a new hopeful tomorrow. There are eclipse shifts and multiple retrogrades in 2020, and, at years’ end the `great conjunction’ of Jupiter Saturn which heralds a new social-economic-cycle which will ultimately define a new world. A few highlights of […]

The Harvest Moon 2019!

Full moon cycle today, 10/14/19, until 10/18/19 is the time to receive illumination and feedback from the cosmos about the Libra ( relationship and balance) part of your chart. It’s not time to begin anew, but rather reflect within. THIS full moon, the harvest moon, is at 20 degrees of Aries, the sabian symbol of […]

New Day of Clarity: Uranus/Sun

  Whether you celebrate Easter, Passover, or Spring I hope you had a peaceful, reflective and abundant weekend! How WAS your holiday?  I wonder if you experienced a `different’ type of holiday this year? Did you celebrate differently? Perhaps with new people? Were there any major surprises?  I ask these questions because we are now […]

The Turn of The Eclipses in 2019

The wheel has turned and it’s calling us to `come home.’ 2019 is the year when we will experience the full effects of the nodal shift of Cancer/Capricorn. As of November 15th, the lunar nodes shifted in the Cancer-Capricorn polarity, and remain there until June 4th 2020. Collectively and individually the nodal shift whispers; Where […]