Super Moon Sunday: From Confusion to Clarity!

Look! Up in the sky! it’s not a bird! nor a plane, but, It’s SUPER MOON!


2017 ends with a full moon brighter than all others this year thanks to the moon being in perigee to the earth; a time when our lunar neighbor orbits closer to home than at any other time. As a result, the moon appears 7 percent larger and 16 percent brighter over the next two days.

The science of a perigee moon reflects the astrological meaning of this rare moon! The brighter the better we see. And, the focus of this full moon inspires us to blend both sides of our brain; the intuitive AND the logical side so we can flow from confusion to clarity.

This theme is reflected by the exact square (90 degrees) from the full moon to Neptune, within hours of the mercury retrograde. A square suggests a rebuild of a structure through sustained pressure. The moon/sun opposition, or full moon, creates a t-square to Neptune begging such questions as; `How much more of `this’ confusion can I take?  How can I deal with this pent-up feeling of overwhelm? Who do I trust? The sun/moon square to Neptune helps us to discern what’s real and what’s an illusion. Meanwhile, the retrograde mercury represents a time to suspend decision making and go within, reflect and reconsider.chartsupermoon

To further support this theme of inward/outward communication we consider the sign of the full moon, Gemini, which is ruled by mercury. Sign (Gemini) and planet (mercury) indicate all manners of mental processes, data collection, information and communication. Even the 11th degree of the full moon screams communication as the sabian symbol is “ A black slave girl demands her rights from her mistress.’ This symbol suggests we may have to `stand up for ourselves’ in the midst of some sort of power struggle with the powers that be. Demand the truth in your communication within and without.confusionclarity

Another curious aspect of the full moon, of Sunday at 10:47 am EST, is that it will pass over one of the brightest stars in the sky; Aldebaran. Positioned smack in the middle of the constellation Taurus, Aldebaran is thought to be the `revelatory eye’ of the heavens associated with Archangel Michael.fixedstaraldebaraneyeof illumination Consider what YOUR eye is seeing; actually, and esoterically, within the seat of your imagining and creativity. This full moon could trigger a revelation of sorts for each of us, as it further inspires world leaders to `see the truth.’

We may be feeling as if we are floating in a dream during this time! What can ground us is the position of Mr. Grumpy Reality or Saturn positioned in the `galactic center’ as it finishes up its sojourn in Sagittarius. Planets at the galactic center are said to be conduits for extraterrestrial information. This will be magnified in just a week. Once Saturn and mercury conjunct, (come together) on December 6th, we are mobilized to `take a stand’ so like the message of the sabian symbol. Be brave and bold in demanding YOUR rights within a relationship, organization or community.

This full moon triggers us to do much reflective work in the realm of beliefs, philosophies and ideas. Refer to your past for clues. The mercury retrograde will inspire us to dig deep within. The Jupiter inconjunct to the full moon messes the celestial waters because it is an angle of adjustment. So much input/data, so little time.

Going forward, keep in mind the shining light of Aldebaran, the eye of the skies being activated by the brightest moon this year. We WILL get clear by the light of the full moon. Just be patient! Mercury’s retrograde asks us to `make sure’ before making the ultimate decision on things. The light of this special super moon will guide as we go along our path. It’s time to move from confusion to clarity!supermoonimage1



New Moon in Libra

It’s time to get back into balance! The New Moon of 10/19/17 arrives at 3:12 pm EDT…inspiring us to `catch a breath’ ( Libra is an air sign after all). One complication is this: Uranus, the great electric, eccentric energy of surprise(!!) is positioned right across from this new moon. Across—or—at an angle of 180 degrees– implies that some truth will be revealed. It’s time for an unveiling! And that truth may come quickly, unexpectedly and without a shred of sentimentality or emotion. This opposition reflects the cutting wisdom of science, logic, and reason.

The sabian symbol of this degree is that of `an airplane hovers high in the sky.’ A plane demands our attention to look `upwards’. This symbol suggests many things about perspective from a (figuratively) `higher plane!’ It can also inspire us to `aim high’ in our aspirations….with the help of course… from the Uranian energy of the `crazy genius!’sablibra27planebetter

There is an expression which comes to mind; `Set your sights on the stars…if you fail you’ll still reach the moon.’ And the old favorite; you can’t succeed without trying…

To aid you in your new moon intention setting here are some inspirational nuggets. Use the following as a `cookbook’, applying your sun sign AND your rising sign if you know it. ( and if you don’t know your rising sign go to my website under `astrology 101′ to find it.)

Aries: Set new goals for your relationships. Your partner needs/wants more of your attention. They also have something valuable to teach you over the next month.

Taurus: Set new goals for your health maintenance. The new moon week is ideal to improve your diet and exercise routine. It’s also an excellent time to improve your work tools and productivity.

Gemini: Time to play for you! Your sector of fun, creativity and even romance is highlighted now. Make fun a priority.

Cancer: This new moon is activating your home part of your chart; family, relatives, house improvements. Out picture your perfect domestic environment.

Leo: The new moon triggers a desire to communicate; writing, speaking and marketing are all worthy aspects of this energy. You’ll find the courage to truly talk your truth.

Virgo: Time to get serious about your income. The new moon assists you in analyzing your skills and resources. It’s inventory time!

Libra: HAPPY NEW MOON! Even though you may have already enjoyed your birthday… This new moon in LIBRA is your capstone for the year, like a `second birthday!’ Make a wish for YOU today.

Scorpio: Dive into the waters of your private world; that’s what the new moon is inspiring for you! All things spiritual, reflective and meditative is being activated. it’s ok to take that nap:)

Sagittarius: Set your intentions for expanding your friendship vase. This new moon will assist you in meeting new friends as you cultivate existing associations.

Capricorn: It’s all about your career! the new moon may inspire you to `think higher in your career goals. At the very least you may experience greater opportunities for leadership and service.

Aquarius: the new moon highlights your house of ideas, learning, marketing and travel. Before you know what you do, you need to clarify the philosophy behind any actions.

Pisces: This new moon activates your sector of power through self control, self understanding and resource management. Spirituality through the dance of intimacy is also highlighted.



Cassandra on ‘You Can! With Suzanne – TV

The Dance of Uranus Jupiter + Eclipses

We are still reeling from the energies of the `Great American eclipse’ ! Eclipses are not isolated moments. These are evolving cycles. The first inkling this new Leo/Aquarius cycle began in August of 2016. February 10th of this year saw eclipse #1 in Aquarius, and, in May the nodes (eclipse points) shifted. By the solar eclipse of August 21st the new pattern arrived definitively. The light went out in the sky.eclipseandsigns

Days later; Harvey tore up the Gulf. Then….Irma…Maria…earthquakes in Mexico, Volcanoes in Indonesia. Last Thursday, Pluto, the great transformer moved forward in the sky. We understand Pluto to be akin to a `volcano’ a force of nature which pulverizes everything in its path.hurricaneaftermath

From natural disaster to human perpetuated horror, the killing of innocence by a man `not fitting the stereotype’ is just one more event which we can’t quite take in. It’s as though the high alert sirens are screaming overhead without anyone heeding their call.hurricanecopcars

As witnesses to all these dramatic (Leo) life/death situations we may even be developing a sense of disaster `overload’. This overwhelm sense can lead to the same type of burn-out which caretakers experience in their daily life; detachment and numbness(Aquarius).depersonalizationthescream

This dichotomy is the eclipse cycle at work; Leo north node, representing new beginnings as the South node in Aquarius is the point in our charts which we are needing and wanting to surrender. During the dance of any eclipse pair there is an emptying out where the south node is due to an exaggeration of its negative traits. Aquarius at it’s worse is detachment, coldness and overblown logic. The ruling planet of the south node, of course, is Uranus. Uranus in Aries represents all `crazy’ manifestations of the sense of `I am.’

We collectively experience cycles upon cycles. The initiating spark was the 8/21 solar eclipse, signaling `new-day’, which, has translated to `may-day!’ Since September twenty-fifth another cycle layered upon the eclipse cycle; the Jupiter & Uranus opposition. An opposition forms when two planets line up exactly opposite to each other. Jupiter means BIG in the sign of Libra (you) while Uranus the eccentric `crazy’ energy is in Aries (me).

The Uranus-Jupiter opposition has been evolving since December of 2016. An EXACT opposition is a time of gaining insight into another perspective. THIS opposition speaks to each of us as we consider each victim of sorrow/tragedy/ horror in relation to ourselves. Perhaps we are moved to pray, or donate, or do SOMETHING to relieve the pain we see/sense in the world. Perhaps we enfold upon ourselves and say (quietly) I AM so glad that `didn’t happen ‘to ME. The distinction of `me/not-me’ is being reflected by this Aries-Libra opposition.jupiteruranus

It doesn’t matter if we live in a `no-hurricane or earthquake zone’ we still ultimately have to leave our homes. Snipers posed from a rooftop, or inside a 32nd floor hotel, can be anywhere…and theoretically shoot at anyone at any time. And then we must not forget, there is global tension in the air, solar flares afloat, nefarious individuals who ram their vehicles into crowds, or weld their swords into passerby’s. Yes, the world feels adrift with violence and horror.  Worse of all… the `enemy’ in this latest incident is the epitome of `normal.’ We didn’t see him (Stephen Paddock) coming. He could be ANYONE! Uranus in Aries (shock & awe planet) was at play.  Paddock in fact IS an Aries. The opposition of the I AM energy of Aries is in full contrast to the YOU ARE energy of Libra.stephenpaddock

Some have equated the feelings associated with the shootings in Las Vegas to that of 911. However, the planetary pair in OPPOSITION on September 11, 2001 was very different to what we are now experiencing. Saturn was in the sign of Gemini opposite Pluto in Sagittarius. The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity defines concepts, words, religious and philosophical identity. In 2001 the collective agreed that `those people’ (fill in the blank) are to blame for the horror. The polarized difference was based on ideas.

Today, the Aries-Libra opposition, operates at a more personal level.  The Aries-Libra opposition is the war between `me’ and `not me.’ It’s as if we’ve been collectively at war with people `like ourselves’. Consider how many marriages, friendships and families have suffered serious estrangement due to the political climate since the Jupiter (ideas) opposed Uranus (detachment). If YOU don’t believe as I do…then I detach, and, YOU become  `not me’, an object of denationalization.

Consider the comments made by CBS attorney Hayley Geftman-Gold following the shooting, comments which reflect this diminished sense of the `other.’

“If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing, I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters.”depersonalizationmedia


Geftman-Gold’s comments are but one example of the depersonalization (Uranus in Aries) based upon ideas, or perceived ideas, of the `other’ embodied by Jupiter in Libra.

During this week’s Uranus-Jupiter opposition Hugh Hefner died, an Aries.highhefner His legacy? He pioneered the sexual revolution, making it acceptable, and even desirable– to have sex with `anyone’; to be a `playboy’ or `playgirl’. In some ways this trend he spearheaded so long ago represents another type of `depersonalization;’ the I-it relationship! His empire’s underlying message was to select sexual partners based upon the criteria of sexual attractiveness. His death during the peak of the Uranus-Jupiter served, perhaps, as a reminder of how depersonalized sexual activity is no longer the taboo it once was sixty years ago.

The ultimate way to depersonalize is to kill. The Aries Stephan Paddock mowed down hundreds of people in what can only be called an act of evil. Perhaps evil can be defined as the cold, calculating depersonalization of both self and others. Normal people can’t conceive of annihilating anything. Uranus, ruler of the south node, and transiting energy within the sign of `self’ serves as a reminder of how far-out this depersonalized process can be.depersonalizationgirl

The biggest Caribbean hurricane…ever; the worse mass shooting …ever. The biggest planet in the solar system, Jupiter leads with superlatives. Jupiter served as an `adjective ‘of `big’ as it formed its opposition to Uranus. Simply said; we would experience the BIGGEST sense of depersonalization this past month.


With the full moon on October 5th,  the prayer is we will begin to make some sense of experiences at the fringe of understanding.


Power Cycle of Integration

Spiritual factors AND science concur; we are in a powerful cycle of transformation! Consider todays’ full moon in Pisces; mercury stationing direct; the strong geomagnetic storms (as reported by NOAA); the path of hurricane Irma AND the integration cycle of the SOLAR eclipse of 8/21. If you are feeling any of the following; dizzy, anxious, or overwhelmed please make extra time to 1) pray and 2) meditate. At the very least….drink! (good WATER). The world is shifting and the time is `now.’stress

The full moon at 12 degrees of Pisces is conjunct Neptune. The blending of the moon (emotions) with that of Neptune (divinity) is inspiring forgiveness, compassion, and the yearning for `oneness.’ At the same time this full moon is inconjuncting the planet of `relationship love’, Venus.chartfullmoonpisces


This suggests we may need to make major adjustments in accepting the idiosyncrasies of our partners and loved ones. It’s easy to love…someone who is `easy to love’…. and this inconjunct reminds us no one is perfect.

Astrology is all about the geometry, the way the planets create angles. Today’s full moon creates a six-pointed star, if, we include the empty leg of the pattern; Gemini.


sixpointedflower Gemini is the `word.’ Friends, today’s full moon is about universal forgiveness, with an emphasis on communication, words, and networking then… watch your words! Let go of the nick-picky, critical, rhetoric which demeans and demoralizes. Especially observe the words you use to talk to `you.’

And speaking of communication… The planet of communication, mercury just went station direct, at the DEGREE of the Solar eclipse of 8/21, `a mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form.’mermaid

This is a degree, obviously, of transformation through…water…ocean water specifically.  The obvious manifestation of this degree—is the powerful unprecedented hurricanes—Harvey, Irma, with Jose at its heals. As of this writing—Irma—is considered to be the most powerful Atlantic hurricane in recorded history.

The hurricanes are not the only `storms’ afloat today. The National Oceanic and atmospheric Administration reports that earth will be bombarded by an especially strong geomagnetic storm today. This occurs when the sun emits billons of tons of plasma—called coronial mass ejections—or CME’s. An obvious manifestation is the increased visibility of the northern lights. A spiritual interpretation may be– we are being bombarded by `more light.’eclipseandsigns

What does this mean for all of us? Simply put; rekindle your connection to the divine, pray, meditate and keep your heart wide open to love and compassion.  The ultimate `doorway’ which opened with the   solar eclipse on 8/21 is now being integrated.

The world may SEEM to be in a state of complete confusion, chaos and destruction. But like the allegory of the solar eclipse; the light which seemingly disappears will reappear stronger and brighter than ever.astrohealingwoman

New Moon in Leo

Happy Leo Friends! The sun is officially in the grand and glorious sign of Leo, `now’, but it’s tomorrow Sunday the 23rd when the moon also joins Leo to create the `new moon in Leo’….

Welcome the new moon in Leo Sunday morning by launching your new endeavors, new thoughts and inspirations. You don’t have to `do’ a thing. Just be open to shift in consciousness which leads you towards of path of greater bliss and joy. If you like, do a formal `setting of intentions’ after the joining of sun/moon at 5:46 am EDT. And you can do this anytime on Sunday!

2017 is a most dynamic year. We have TWO new moons in Leo (one of course being the Great American Eclipse), plus the nodal shift into Leo. Its as though the doubling of the new moons in Leo is EMPHASIZING all things Leo; leadership, joy, creativity. fun, passion.eclipseandsigns

Leo is the essential stage where we want to be our essential, unique and creative self. Our essential self—the sun—is the ruler of Leo in our charts. This is the time friends! By dynamically discovering what we truly love to do we are being the ruler of our own life….

And how do we discover this? The sabian symbol for this new moon holds a clue; “Under emotional stress …blood rushes to a person’s head.” We know that there is `good’ stress and `bad’ stress. Stress per se is the fuel which motivates us …to act …to do…! THIS new moon suggests we make the distinction from being filled with the internal heat of pursuing our passions and/or just being a `hothead’. The German expression `hitzekopf’ says it all~! The word Hitze means “heat” and Kopf means “head”, so the term translates to “hothead” – someone who easily gets angry and tends to act out.sabian0leoBETTERhothead

The Lion can roar or it can purr. Use this dynamic exciting Leo energy to reignite that essential drive within to pursue whatever `heats you up!’—your passion, your creativity, your bliss, your joy.

We hold the power! The new moon on Sunday offers us a choice; to be the hitzekopt…. or…. the ruler of our life… the king or queen of our own drama ( life!) !


((PS)) have you gotten any inspiration yet about How YOU want to pursue YOUR creative gifts?astrohealingwoman


Summer Solstice

  • Welcome Summer! The magic moment is here! The sun ingress into Cancer marks the solstice—sun—-standing still! What this means astronomically is that the sun shines over the Tropic of Cancer  reflecting the longest day of sunlight in the year; approximately fifteen hours in Buffalo, New York; a longer period of time due north…shorter daylight in southern latitudes.solticescience

Astrologically we can reflect upon the 0 point of the Cancer energy; nurturing, kind, maternal, protective. It's somewhere within our personal energy map, and, where it falls in our birth-chart we begin anew each and every summer solstice. The sabian symbol for EVERY summer solstice is  `On a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.’cancer1flagraisingQuestions  for us include; 1) Where do your allegiances lie? 2) What are you willing to lose in order to gain a new sense of identity? 3) What are your ideals, and, how will you communicate them? Willingly? with a sense of honor and confidence?

The symbol includes a ship; a vessel of travel upon water. Cancer is the first water sign of the zodiac. Water is suggestive of emotion. On your emotional journey…where are you going? Summer is often the time  we most want to feel connected to another', perhaps because we don't want to enjoy the rare weather solo. Think `summer fling’; and fun in the sun! As you reflect upon the summer themes of  love and romance, you may discover richer truths about ….you.

THIS summer solstice is rich in astrological symbolism. Retrograde Saturn opposing the Mercury in the last ( critical) degree of Gemini begs the question; what important message do you need to convey…but perhaps are fearful to communicate?chartsummersolstice.JPG

Perhaps this opposition also indicates a determination to gather data( Gemini) which leads to the illusive `truth’; Retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius.

The Moon/Venus conjunction in Taurus inspires us to celebrate earthly virtues; beauty, the arts, sensuality, pleasure. The feminine face depicted by the `Earth Mother’ is emphasized. Grow your garden; respect the Earth.

People the world over will gather today to mark the seasonal shift. The most famous gathering will be at Stonehenge, the prehistoric earth works in England where the light of the sunrise aligns perfectly of the `heel stone’ of the megalithic structure.soltice2pic.jpg

The summer solstice is the perfect time to reflect upon your own personal goals and intentions. It’s a new beginning!  But whatever you do today, connect with your fellow earth-travelers and send a blessing to all:) !



Uranus Venus Conjunction

Embrace the madness friends! Uranus conjunct Venus today in Aries at the 27th degree!


If you’ve been feeling just a little stressed' recently....overwhelmed... you are not alone!stress


Relief is in store because the Uranus/Venus conjunction has this symbol,  `A lost opportunity is gained.’ Just when you are at the end of your proverbial rope; the sun lights the way, to use a mixed metaphor! lol!

Uranus the purveyor of enlightened chaos blends with the love agent Venus in the Aries energy of me, myself, and I.  It’s a personal portal of freedom.  Visual Aries the original yang/male energy says; If you can see it you can be it!  relief2

Get out your visualization tools and get to it. We can go from 100 ( stress)  to 0 ( peace and calm) in an instant with this energy.

And… the Aries energy will help us to push forward with unlimited courage, passion and focus.

Cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer & Capricorn you are REALLY feeling it. And ALL of of us have an Aries somewhere in your chart.

Breath deep….and let the chaos ( Uranus) be healed by the power of love ( Venus) !

Gemini Lunar Cycle

GEMINI: The curious charming chatterbox (or?) the creative connector who communicates! (or) BOTH!

It’s not too late… to set your NEW MOON intention in the sign of Gemini. Find it in your chart…( you can use the app on my website to show you where) and write/communicate away! Gemini is all about the power of word,and, we do know this; what we articulate inwardly can and does manifest in our outer world. Sticks and stones may break our bones… but we ALSO know words can truly`hurt us.’ Watch our words this cycle.  It might also be a great cycle to cultivate a mindful meditation practice. Observe what you say to…YOU!

The sabian symbol of this NEW MOON is the radical magazine.' The implication is to speak your authentic truth no matter what. We may also observe ( is this even possible?) more radical news in the media.

Questions to consider during this cycle: What do you think about? When your mind just…relaxes ….where does it wander? How might you improve your communications? How might you de-clutter? How do you make decisions? Logically? Reflectively? We may want to hold off making a `radical’ decision until the full moon cycle illuminates the opposing point of view in our world.

Gemini energy is forever young! Think Peter Pan. Gemini is the beautiful butterfly; Angelina Jolie & Marilyn Monroe. Gemini is the writer with an edge: Tupac & Bob Dylan. And where YOU have Gemini you shift and change with the ease of a butterfly.

Each month there are four major lunar cycles:

NEW PHASE: 4 Gemini: 5/25/17 @ 3:44 pm EDT: Make a wish, intention, plan your work, journal, until….

FIRST QUARTER: 11 Virgo: 6/1/17 @ 8:42 am EDT: Work the plan, focus, create structure through concentrated effort, until…..

FULL MOON PHASE: 18 Sagittarius: 6/9/17 @ 9:10 am EDT: invite a new perspective through feedback, create relationships, receive outcomes of intentions until….

LAST QUARTER: 26 Pisces: 6/17/17 @ 7:33 AM EDT: Make revisions, edit, correct and ultimately accept whatever result you achieved as you ready yourself for the NEXT new cycle in Cancer on 6/23/17!

Have yourself a sparkling Gemini Cycle!