2020: Year of Transformation

2020 is a year of transformation when outworn structures leave our lives to make way for a new hopeful tomorrow. There are eclipse shifts and multiple retrogrades in 2020, and, at years’ end the `great conjunction’ of Jupiter Saturn which heralds a new social-economic-cycle which will ultimately define a new world. A few highlights of the year will be reviewed as follows.happynewyear2020

Astrological cycles are like waves whose ripples start gathering momentum and finally peak at a time called a culmination. A planetary cycles’ significance is measured, in part, by its’ yearly trip around the sun. The slower the orbit, and the further the planet is from the sun, the stronger the affect. One such culmination occurs as we welcome the new decade; January 12th, 2020. This is when Pluto, Saturn, Ceres, the Sun and Mercury, align at the 22nd degree of Capricorn. World affairs and individual destinies will experience a shift.chartcapricornlineup

Whenever one sees the two `great malefics’, Saturn and Pluto, aligned one expects that transformation is just a breath away. Saturn is the planet of structure, rules and limits. Blending its energy with the mysterious, intense destructive gifts of Pluto creates an alchemy of change, suggesting the end of a matter. This depends on where the conjunction activates an individual’s chart. The `ending’ culminates at the January 12th conjunction but has been developing for years. Like a wave, the first ripples of this slow and steady shift in individual and collective consciousness began with the first entry of Pluto and Saturn into the sign of Capricorn. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, and, Saturn at the end of 2017.

Back in 2008, the world’s economic structure collapsed. There was a recovery, but the imminent threat of long-term world inflationary practices loomed in the collective’s consciousness. When might the next financial shoe drop? And since 2017, Saturn has illuminated how shaky our society’s structures truly are; banking, organized religion, and the ultimate organizations; governments. There is growing mistrust (Pluto) of the very social structures (Saturn) we have been indoctrinated to believe are our caretakers. With this conjunction comes a conclusion; release the old ways to make room for the new.

In what arena of life have you struggled in the past twelve years?capricornsisphus

Adding to that timeline is a Saturnian focus over the past 24 months whereby you’ve been diligently trying to problem solve and release a set of chains in your life. Wherever Saturn falls in one’s chart consciousness follow.  Saturn and Pluto signify the primal emotion of `fear’; the type which curdles our blood and terrifies our soul. Capricorn isn’t the easiest of energies to navigate either. Capricorn represents the area where we persevere no matter hardships we face. You could say that in everyone’s life, especially since the Pluto ingress of 2008 there’s been a desire to get past the bone-weariness of life’s limits and ‘keep on keeping on’ like a good soldier.

And speaking of soldiers…the sabian symbol of the Capricorn Conjunction is a most evocative one. Sabian symbols are the esoterically derived `word messages derived for each of the 360 degrees of the circular astrological wheel. The sabian symbol for this conjunction is; `A soldier receiving two awards for bravery in combat.’

You may ask yourselves in what area have you been the `good soldier’ muscling through a challenging situation. Might you desire recognition for effort, hard work and perseverance? This is the symbol of appreciation and criticism. Who in our lives deserves an award for bravery? Capricorn is the sign of achievement; explore your successes and failures. Most of all, surrender and release the failures. The surrender image of this 2020 Capricorn alignment is yet another theme.cancerimage


The second conjunction relevant to mid-January is the Jupiter alignment with the south lunar node. The wisdom of the expansive Jupiter archetype helps us see what needs to be released emotionally. Emotions are the purview of the lunar nodes. The south node in Capricorn points to what is holding us back based upon the meaning of the zodiacal sign. Capricorn’s shadow side is fear. It’s essential as the new year unfolds, that we release the toxic emotions of fear, judgement, and despair.saturngrumpyoldman

For the past two years we have experienced the nodal shifts in the signs of Capricorn and Cancer. The lunar nodes represent two sides of the same coin; Cancer is about belonging and security within our personal lives while Capricorn is the outer world security which reflects one’s achievement and standing in the world. The January lunar eclipse of the tenth assists us in releasing a two-year conflict between what we feel we need and what we want to achieve. The lunar eclipse is like a turbo charged full moon helping us to experience our emotions from a renewed place of serenity.

2020 is the year when we move from the dichotomy of balancing issues of security (Cancer) with that of authority (Capricorn) to the lunar nodes of Gemini and Sagittarius. The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is about the dance of communication, information and exchange, ultimately leading to wisdom. Consider the eclipse times to be doorways of change. The war of words will be played out against this communicative background just in time for the US presidential election! Hold on to your minds, as, the eclipses will highlight all manner of rhetoric (Gemini) leading to truth (Sagittarius). The dynamic between these two energies is that truth is based on the facts at hand. Data (Gemini) feeds intellectual conclusions (Sagittarius). Since the north node will be in the sign of Gemini, we might expect that new facts emerge in 2020 which can shake our preconceptions about what’s `true.’nodesglyphs

Dates of the solar/lunar eclipses are as follow:

  • Lunar: 1/10-(4:21pm EST) Cancer @ 20


  • Lunar: 6/5-(5:21pm EDT) Sagittarius @ 15


  • Solar: 6/21-(2:41am EDT) Cancer @ 1


  • Lunar: 7/5-(12:44 am EDT) Cancer @ 13


  • Lunar: 11/30 (4:29 am EDT) Gemini @ 8


  • Solar: 12/14 (11:16 pm EDT) Sagittarius @ 23



Retrogrades are periods when the planet’s, from earth’s perspective, seem to be moving`backwards.’ There are times when we use the `re’ words to explain the planet’s action like redo,remember, reflect, reconsider. In 2020 there are two unique periods when both the social/personal planets, Venus and Mars are in retrograde.marsvenusglyphs Venus, the planet of values, finance,love and beauty retrogrades from May 13th until June 25th. During that period it would be advisable to avoid making sweeping financial changes, marry, or make radical changes in one’s image such as a `makeover.’ Mars is the planet of assertion, physical energy, and sexual expression. As it retrogrades from September 9th through November 11th avoid regrettable displays of anger, elective surgery or decisions about intimate partnerships.


The most infamous of the retrogrades is the one connected to the planet of communication and connections, Mercury. Public opinion erroneously regards these regular intervals as times of catastrophe. Mercury is retrograde a third of the time, making this as common as sleep! The best use of a mercury retrograde time is to analyze and research(another `re’ word) ideas which are near and dear to your heart. Common astrological precautions include avoiding decisions which reflect the common Mercury associations such as commerce, contracts, transportation and communication. It is a great time for reflective activities such as meditation and retreat. The Mercury retrograde dates for 2020 are; February 18th-March 9th, June 19th – July 11th, and Octobermercury-retrograde-july-2019th -November 2nd.


Life will reflect the richness of the astrological twists and turns of 2020. As the year begins, we

release fear associated with the unfolding cycle in Capricorn, the sign of socio-political power.

This will clear the way to the next great cycle in Aquarius, which will define the next twenty years of the world economy; the Great Conjunction of December 21st. Jupiter, the energy of expansion and optimism conjuncts with Saturn the planet of restriction and caution at 0 degreeschartjupitersaturn

of Aquarius. The sabian symbol is `an old adobe mission in California.’ The symbol speaks of

`crystallizing ideals’; blending the old elements of spiritual teaching with the new. Furthermore,

the energy of the Great Conjunction is in Aquarius, the sign of the `people’, as opposed to Capricorn’s control of the people through structure.

Identify where Aquarius falls in your chart. This is where you will establish new patterns which unfold over the next twenty years. Aquarius 0 invites us to be innovative, eclectic, bold in thought, and above all, honest. Ever the humanitarian, Aquarius reflects a `power to the people’  movement which will impact the way we do business. The Aquarius conjunction will reflect a world economy which could dial into a new monetary system such as digital currency. Biotech,high energy technology, and industries we haven’t yet imagined, foreshadows the future.


To summarize, let’s apply a `cookbook’ style of astrological analysis. The `transform goals’specifically apply to the first half of 2020. The `establish goals refer to the workings of the Great Conjunction at the end of the year. Apply your sun or rising sign to the following:


Aries: Transform fear of success into a new career or, a new way of handling old responsibilities. Establish a new form of creativity and joy which includes romantic stirrings.

Taurus: Transform fear of knowledge into personal teaching, writing and traveling. Establish a new career and embrace new responsibilities.

Gemini: Transform fear of death & intimacy into fearlessness based upon spiritual alignment. Establish a new set of philosophical precepts as you embrace new adventures.

Cancer: Transform fear of relationships into new stronger connections. Establish a new relationship with power, finances and intimacy.

Leo: Transform fear of illness and insecurity regarding work into practical strategies for success. Establish new relationships with people who allow you freedom of expression.

Virgo: Transform fear of not having enough `fun’ into making `fun’ a priority. Establish new work and health habits which may include complimentary health practices.

Libra: Transform fear of personal security into a more abundant personal life. Establish new leisure/fun activities which could include romance and tapping into your creativity.

Scorpio: Transform negative thinking and speech and the fear of ‘lost time.’ Establish a new home which reflects your eccentricities.

Sagittarius: Transform fear of self-worth and financial lack into a more abundant cash flow.  Establish new habits of positive thinking and personal expression.

Capricorn: Transform fear of failure into becoming your best self; authentic and grounded in your personal power. Establish a new relationship with money.

Aquarius: Transform fear of the unknown into alignment with inner guidance. Establish a new you; image, motivations and goals.

Pisces: Transform social anxiety into embracing a new friendship circle. Establish a new spiritual inner GPS which is based upon your alignment with personal beliefs.

Have a blessed new year! Happy 2020!

Cassandra Joan Butler can be reached through her website: www.cassandrajoanbutler.com , and, on FB: Cassandra Joan Butler  Teacher & Astrologer.