Tag Archive for: zodiac

New Day of Clarity: Uranus/Sun


Whether you celebrate Easter, Passover, or Spring I hope you had a peaceful, reflective and abundant weekend!

How WAS your holiday?  I wonder if you experienced a `different’ type of holiday this year? Did you celebrate differently? Perhaps with new people? Were there any major surprises?  I ask these questions because we are now experiencing a special shift in awareness due to the joining of Uranus (planet of surprise, change, and breakthroughs) with the light of the sun in Taurus.uranusintauruslighteningpant

Easter Monday, 4/22/19, at 6:00 am EDT is when the sun and Uranus are joined in a conjunction signifying revelation, rebirth and new beginnings. Most appropriate for the spirit of the season! The Uranus Sun conjunction herald’s a sense of innovation and change, and an invitation to `ground’ what previously was thought to be `way out there.’chartsunuranus

The sabian symbol for this degree paints an inviting picture: `Steps leading to a field of clover.’ The associated meaning of clover is to `live a life of ease and abundance with a sense of being carefree and innocent.’ This degree suggests that the hope of a better life is within reach; just take a few short steps and you’ll reach your life of `clover.’ Did your younger self ever search for those green nuggets of good luck, a 4-leaf clover? I know I did with a delightful sense of glee!sabian3taurusclover

Here are some reflections for you as you navigate the week; 1) Consider what `steps’ you need to take to attain of life of living in the `green’; abundance and prosperity; 2) Consider what Uranian ways, including innovation, technology, and inspired thought you can add to your life to in order to achieve your long-term goals; 3) consider carrying around a notebook to jot down inspired flashes of intuitive inspiration for the next week as this Sun/Uranus unfolds its gifts!

The keynote I’ve observed since this conjunction …over & over…is this: EMBRACE YOUR UNIQUE creative spark & get out there!!' For inspiration consider watching Brene Brown:


When we BECOME our authentic messy self without hesitation and step into the world we ground our health and wholeness. And yet… it’s SCARY! Uranus/Sun’s message is all about standing for our truth…no matter who criticizes us. Being yourself is being vulnerable…and that’s the message of today, and , it’s certainly the on-going message of Brene Brown.

Brene Brown speaks of `courage’ to be ourselves. The word root of courage is cor–Latin for heart. To speak and come from the heart is the true calling of every soul. Now we know that LEO is the energy aligned best with the SUN. Each sign has its polarity, yes? Aquarius, opposite to Leo is ruled by URANUS the planet aligned with the sun TODAY!

For the next seven years, each year we will have a SUN/URANUS conjunction, as Uranus travels through Taurus. And on those days…we will receive a `download’ reminder of how to connect with our heart’s desire to move forward with our true selves!

Even I am `shaking up the status quo!’ in alignment with the conjunction! I will be offering you, my valued friends and clients, an opportunity to join a new community; the Lunar Lights Club! Learn all about it by joining me for a zoom on-line meeting this Friday April 26th 7:30pm EST, under the light of the last quarter moon….! moonphases.jpg

 Here’s the link: https://zoom.us/j/7168125766 See you on Friday the 26th, @ 7:30pm EST.

Abundant Blessings to be YOU!


Mercury Stations Direct: link the past with the future through the forever `now’

Not all mercury retrogrades are alike and not all mercury station directs are alike. Not-thing is exactly alike because the moment of `now’ is not the moment of the past or the future. Yet… we know this…there is an eternal now which connects every moment of linear thought, action and experience.

And that linkage between yesterday and tomorrow is one message of today’s mercury stationing direct at 12 degrees of Leo at 12: 25 am Sunday August 19th. The sabian symbol is: `the old sea captain sitting on his porch on his rocking chair.’sableo12oldmanrocking

Rocking is a most soothing action; repetitive, fluid, and comforting. We imagine the sea captain is evaluating his life, perhaps, recalling maritime adventures of long ago. How are you reflecting upon your past today?  The mercury direct is helping us link the past with the present with the anticipatory future as the planet of mind and logic moves forward.

The rocking sea captain invites us to reflect upon our lives; contemplation is the key. There is a singularity of this symbol; make time just for you, to `hear yourself think,’ as my Mom used to say!  Here is a question for you; as you awoke this morning did you receive any specific guidance? Think about your `Leo’, your creativity, and joy, your bliss and passion. Are your goals now beginning to be more clearly outlined within?

Leo’s ally, the sun, is shining brightly within your mind. Lighten up, brighten-up and be positive as mercury courses forward.seawoodenbench

Of course, just because mercury is `direct’ doesn’t mean we want to unload every unexpressed thought! It is still moving through it’s `shadow cycle’, which means now until September first-ish, mercury is still in its re-working phase. Mindfulness is still the order of the day. It’s better to be `mum’ than to say something you might regret.

Do communicate to someone, however; yourself. Be like the wise old sea captain sableo13seacaptainreflecting upon all those wonderful adventures of yesterday as you begin to craft new goals for your future. You may find yourself unconsciously weighing goals against a simple Leo-like criteria; are my goals heart-filled and reflective of my unique passions and desires? And, oh, are the goals `fun?’Image result for sun images

That’s the message today; do what you love and the bliss will follow!