Friends….get moving! As of 1:27  EST Thursday morning ( 11/19) its time to ground the dreams you set LAST week at the new moon. First quarter cycle is the week we apply our focus, skill and sweat equity to `get the job done.’  We may find ourselves determined to accomplish what we need to do. Deadline? It’s the full moon of 11/25 ( but that will be another story…then!)  The sabian symbol for our first quarter phase is ` an ancient bowl of violets’ .


This symbol evokes the senses; smell, vision. It also asks us to defer to the wisdom of the ages…Evoke the memory of past successes as we embark upon our `heavy-lifting’ week. First quarter mirrors the 90 degree angle made between the Sun ( conscious) and  Moon (unconscious). A square angle is the angle of manifestation. We CAN do it!firstquartermoonRIGHT