2016: Through the Thresholdthresholdgarden

A word for our new year is….breath. Breathe through the multitude of changes, the shifting winds, the rhythm of experience which glides from waltz to rap in the blink of an eye.breathingimage

Welcome to the new energy of mutability! In 2016 our cosmic energy shifts into a landscape colored by the changeable, mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The mutable signs all relate to movement in a manner which is patterned and repetitive; Gemini’s breath, Virgo’s peristaltic digestive process, Sagittarius’ stride and Pisces’ dream cycles. Mutability is movement.

Note that the mutable signs vibrate during the last gasps of a particular season. Natural cycles reflect the unpredictability of the weather during these four yearly cycles. The thermometer can register a wild variability during late spring, late summer, late winter and fall which simply isn’t experienced at other times.astroeccelesteses

And so it will be in 2016: a variability within our `inner weather’ in terms of consciousness, thoughts, opinion, beliefs. What we think we believe will be challenged and tested. We may return to our original concepts but not until we work hard to understand why we think what we do. The process behind all this ruminating is the newly emerging Saturn in Sagittarius square ( tension) Neptune in Pisces. Sagittarius represents the beliefs we hold dear; philosophies, religious dogma, precepts and concepts. In short Sagittarius is the name we give to the Divine. Pisces on the other hand is more about the experience of cosmic consciousness. Pisces feels truth, Sagittarius names it.

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Saturn is all about the `reality.’ And  the focus of reality for Sagittarius is `the truth.’ Finding `our individual truth’ in a sea of possibilities is the  challenge in 2016. Once we find `the’ truth, we could have an overwhelming impulse to impose it upon others.  And, this is the stuff that feeds fundamentalism.

The bombastic meter is running overtime in 2016 suggesting a sensibility that `everyone is an expert.’ The one major push back is Neptune in Pisces. Neptune’s Pisces action calls for unity, consensus and compassion. Who is wrong, if everyone is right?  There will be quite a bit of circling around and around as beliefs and dreams are reworked, reflected upon, and analyzed.airELEMENT2

Add another dollop of amorphous watery Pisces to the 2016 cosmic soup. Chiron, the healing agent continues to play peak a boo with Neptune, as will the transiting south node. This blending suggests a need to reach out to our past to heal, forgive and let go. Holding on to the `way things used to be’ no longer fits the emerging paradigm.

And then there is Jupiter ( AKA Mr. Big) moving through Virgo (health and work). Greater concern in the health arena as well as in job development is likely. Jupiter expands where it touches. The directional marker of the north node conjunct Jupiter emphasizes we examine our thoughts, food and health practices. The way we care for ourselves may be one of the few things we can `count one’ during this year of change.

jupiterimageJupiter in Virgo occurs every twelve years and corresponds with the fire monkey in Chinese Astrology. Action, reaction, mental movement here and there mirrors the lively unpredictable monkey. More shifting ,more unpredictability.

There is change and there is fast, quick, dramatic change. June stands in the  big change department because it’s when Eris and Uranus conjunct in Aries. Eris and Uranus have this in common; they are energies of chaos innovation and awakening. The blending of Uranus and Eris suggests a clean incision; sharp, edgy and definitive. This line-up has more to do with our inner awareness than any outer `event.’  What needs to be swept away will go. It’s an inner house cleaning.eris

The collective consciousness will heed the call of clearing the debris from the wake of the Pluto square Uranus energy. We have all witnessed the mismanagement of power and manipulation since 2010, whether that  be in our personal lives or on the stage of the collective. 2016 is the year to cross over the threshold of new awareness as we eliminate outworn beliefs, fear and  power struggles. Think of 2016,  as the year we retool our rhythm. Consider dancing with our `own stars’ with greater flexibility and grace.  No matter what’s happening `out there’ we can each craft our own personal reality by being like this year’s fire monkey; bold, quick and decisive.fireworksBIG