
Happy Full Moon Cycle! The beautiful `beaver’ moon of November peaked 11/25 at 5:44 pm Wednesday …but will shine brightly on our Thanksgiving Day and beyond. THIS full moon with it’s sabian symbol of `holly & mistletoe’ speaks to us of celebration, anticipation & merriment; perfect for Tday celebrations! The romance of the mistletoe nestles into the bouquet of green holly …..all….suggesting immortality.sabiansymbol4geminihollymistletoe

Questions this full moon may bring up: Who are your `forever’ friends? Where are your `forever’ friends and family…if they have passed on? What are your `forever values?’ Being that the full moon hits the holiday of Thanksgiving you may be starting or ….ending…a `forever tradition.’ Decorations such as `holly & mistletoe’ create a set and setting for merriment. Do you wish to break away from the old ways of celebrating the holidays? We may be reflecting on rituals old and new during this cycle. On a mundane level the Gemini full moon relates to `short trips’ and vehicles of transport. Tday week is a week of heavy travel any year, but THIS year bodes of increased security.As with any `full moon’ we gain perspective and knowledge. Since THIS full moon is in the sign of COMMUNICATION & networking, we may have the opportunity to connect with our `forever friends’…especially with those dear ones who have been out of sync with our everyday ( Gemini) routine. (( I know I have!!))What does this full moon cycle evoke in you? In gratitude; Cassandra!